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I have a some problem in my residence address in the personal data. How I'm fix it

I have a some problem in my residence address in the personal data. How I'm fix it

Dear @Jonty do you have an account in ING Bank ( Italy ) or you trying to open it ?  are you resident in Italy ? 

What kind of problem do yoy have ? you don't say it .

Thanks for your messag. I have a ing bank account in italy. I tried to requested a loan but bank it's rejected. Problem is Previous residence address is invalid. Earlier I'm residence in Brescia and now I'm in Bergamo i change my address and enter the new address. But don't have to changing Previous residence address. I changed my residence address. How i fix my Previous residence address.

@Jonty other people also failed to change the address. You must call the Call Center for assistance.

Ok thank you very much...

@Jonty before you may try to change yr browser...